There are many delicious foods in the Tower of Fantasy, but there are only a few sweets. One useful and delicious dessert in the Tower of Fantasy is fruit cake. Fruitcake is one of the best healing items in the game, and one of the quests you need to do in Tower of Fantasy is to get the ingredients for the fruitcake as part of the “Blessing” (Nicole’s birthday wish) quest. So this guide will introduce the specific details of how to make fruit cake for Nicole in the Tower of Fantasy, players can prepare enough Tower of Fantasy Tanium for making fruit cake.
Fruitcake Recipe
Fruit cake making definitely needs fruit, so fruit is essential in this production process. Fruitcake gives you 15% and 20,000 health and 10 satiety. To make it, you need its recipe and four simple ingredients. Below are all the ingredients needed to make Fruitcake in Tower of Fantasy.
x2 strawberries
x1 Japonica
x1 Fallen Fruit
x1 poultry egg
Getting the recipe for the fruitcake is easy, all the player has to do is interact with the cooking robot. In the bot options, select Create from below. Put all the ingredients for the fruit cake in large quantities until you get an 80% to 100% success rate. After that, cook to get the recipe for fruit cake.
How to Make Fruitcake for Nicole in Tower of Fantasy
If players want to make fruit cake for Nicole in the Tower of Fantasy, they need to trigger the side quest to get the recipe of the Tower of Fantasy. First, they should head to Spacerift, take refuge in Astra, and cross the bridge ahead. Turn right to find a brunette girl named Nicole in a white jacket and black skirt with a blue exclamation mark on top of her head to indicate she needs help.
The player talks to Nicole and regrets finding out that today is her birthday and she wants to eat fruitcake, but doesn’t want to disturb anyone. So the player will automatically accept to help Nicole, and then Nicole will tell the player that they need to collect the missing ingredients in the Tower of Fantasy: Strawberries, Falling Fruits, Homi Valley, and Eggs. After collecting these materials, the player should go back to Nicole and talk to her to get the recipe for the fruitcake. To learn the recipe, the player needs to search in the backpack and click to use. All that’s left is to go to Fennie’s shop and use the cooking station to make fruit cakes.
How to Get the Ingredients of the Tower of Fantasy Fruit Cake
The ingredients for the fruitcake are easy to find, and strawberries are grown throughout Navia and the Crown.
Meanwhile, fallen fruit has been found near trees in the Bangis and Astra regions.
Homi Grain is similar to the wheat that grows in the grasslands of Astra and Banges. So, around these areas, collect a lot of materials for the fruit cake of the Tower of Fantasy.
Poultry eggs are mainly found in higher areas such as cliff edges or tower tops, keep an eye out for nests in these areas as you travel.
The above is the specific guide for making fruitcake for Nicole in the Tower of Fantasy. If you want to know the guide of other tasks in the Tower of Fantasy, please subscribe to 600pu.com for a more detailed guide.