In each season of Destiny 2, there is a brand new title to choose from. In During Season of Plunder, we have the Scallywag Title in Destiny 2. Guardians in Destiny 2’s Season of Plunder can earn the Scallywag Title by completing a series of seasonal victories, adding it to your collection will require you to complete an additional 10 victories. So this guide will help players how to earn Scallywag titles in Destiny 2, and players can also prepare enough Destiny 2 Silver in During Season of Plunder.
How to unlock the Scallywag titles in Destiny 2
Seasonal activities in the game include six-player ship-to-ship battles, where players can jump off cannons and board enemy catamarans, and expeditions, where players can dig for buried treasure in the form of seasonal rewards. Pirate caches are also part of the weekly story, with each pirate lord serving as a weekly boss. earning the title of Scallywag feels like a fitting end to honor the bluster and piracy the Guardians have done throughout the season – and if you want to be Scallywag, there’s a lot of looting to do.
The 10 victories required to earn the Scallywag title.
Saviors of the Seven Seas: Defeat all seven pirate lords in their hideouts.
Full Sail: Purchase all star chart upgrades from HELM.
Signal Volume Signals: Listen to the radio messages in the Ether Jar. They are available after the weekly quests.
Beacon guidance: Use treasure beacons to decipher the location of hidden treasures. Treasure beacons are available as rewards in the star map at levels 6, 10 and 16.
Crew Control: Summon each crew member assigned as your First Mate in Expeditions and Ketchcrash (requires 15 summons each).
Crash Course: Complete Ketchcrash on Master.
Themis Cluster’s Natural Disaster: Defeat all Ketchcrash bosses. They may rotate weekly depending on the season of the haunting.
Mythical Riches: Place 250 treasures into the treasure.
Robber Barons: Defeat 50 ruffians in the expedition.
Salty Smith: Make all the patterns for the During Season of Plunder weapons.
In most cases, the events surrounding the victory correspond to the seasons. In the Ketchcrash event, you can team up with up to five other players, which can make completing it easier, especially if you have some friends in the Fireteam. Then, getting through the Pirate Hideout campaign is pretty easy, which is a bit overwhelming compared to the Sever campaign in Season of the Haunted, which requires you to traverse different areas to solve some easy but fun puzzles. Here it’s all about getting into the hideout and taking down the boss at the end, all of which may help make victory hunting easier.
When does the Plunder Victory season end
The Season of Plunder Victory will end at the end of December, so players must complete the above victories before the end of December to unlock the Scallywag title.
These are the 10 victories needed to unlock the Scallywag title in During Season of Plunder, and players have the entire season to sort through them. If players would like to learn more about other guides for Destiny 2 please subscribe to 600pu.com.